solar alchemy

Sol =
The Sun.
Source of Light.
Source of Life.
Sun-Light transmitting Source Light
to give life to All on Earth,
sustaining every Being,
enlivening our Whole Being.

The Sun.
Source of Sol-ar Information.
Source of Soul-ar Information.
Sun-Light photons conveying information/codes
into our DNA, cells, physical body, energy bodies.
Light Consciousness from Source
awakening our Light Consciousness within.

The Sun.
A life form.
A living being.
Sun of Source.
Light of this World.
Reflecting to each and every one of us
that WE are a Sun/Son of Source.
WE are the Light of this World.

what is solar alchemy?

Solar Alchemy encompasses ancient/future alchemical practices
that use Light-frequencies and Light-codes of the Sun
to drive alchemical transformation.

Our ancient ancestors knew that Life-Source energy and Light information is passed to us via the Sun.
They created monuments aligned with the Sun (& other Stars), to act as information channels/portals.
Solar Alchemy, Solar Worship and Solar Symbolism can be found in our ancient history Earth-wide.

In our more modern times humanity has been, still is, misdirected and disconnected from the Sun.
The Sun is vilified, regarded as ‘bad’, condemned as dangerous.
We are directed to stay out of the Sun, block the Sun, fear the Sun.
Are we being purposefully conditioned to be afraid of our most important Life-Source?
Are we being prevented from harnessing Solar Power to exist as the POWER-FULL Beings that we are?

It is time to understand what the Sun is.
It is time to reconnect with it, its natural rhythms, and its infinite Sol-ar energy and Soul-ar information.

ways to practice solar alchemy

There are many ways that you can use the energy of the Sun to alchemise the energies and Light of You
from ‘lower’ to ‘higher’ vibrational frequencies.
Some simple yet power-full practices are:

Sit or lie in the Sun-Light facing toward the Sun with your eyes closed.
Focus on your breath.
Inhale and draw the Sun’s energy into any part of your body.
Exhale and allow the Solar Light-frequencies and Light-codes to be alchemised within you.
Receive with gratitude.
Feel the increase of energy & Light within You.


Sit or lie with your face toward the Sun with your eyes closed.
Bring your awareness into your Third Eye, in the bodily area of your forehead.
Focus on your breath and on your Third Eye.
You may feel as though you are breathing in and out of your Third Eye.
Consciously connect with the Sun’s rays.
With each inhalation draw the energy of the rays into your forehead, your Third Eye.
With each exhalation send the breath into the middle of your head, the seat of your pineal gland.
The pineal gland is the Third Eye.
It is a centre of consciousness.
Consciousness is governed by Light.
Sun-Light. Light Consciousness from Source, entering your Third Eye, alchemising your consciousness.
Receive with openness and gratitude.
Allow all that is being transmitted from the Sun to You.


Behold the sacred times of Sun-rise and Sun-set.
If/when possible witness and experience the beautiful natural Light-shows that they are.
Create routines and rituals to harness the potent energy at these powerful, spiritual and magical twilight times.


Connect with and celebrate the annual Solar calendar of events/festivals – the solstices and equinoxes.
Create Sun rituals/ceremonies.  Honour and utilise the sacred energies of these times.

art & words by me, Katrina


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