heArt guides:
my art + words
to inspire
living & creating in alignment with nature
solar cycle
Day-light and night-shadow balanced
as Sol reaches the turning point.
Light will over-take the dark again,
warming and lengthening the days,
and Earth is birthing, budding and blossoming again.
water alchemy
Water = a unique substance with a simple molecular structure of h2O; an exquisite energy conduit that can easily store and carry the imprint of energetic information and properties within it; a living consciousness; a universal transmitter and communicator.
solar alchemy
Solar Alchemy encompasses ancient/future alchemical practices
that use Light-frequencies and Light-codes of the Sun
to drive alchemical transformation.
is the purification of the base metals of your false self
into the gold of your True Self.
And rather than ‘working on’ or ‘changing’ yourself,
you allow what is not you to purify and fall away
so that you may be the pure being that you are
embodied through your human-beingness.
australian bush flower essences
I offer you the Australian Bush Flower Essences
with the hope that you be blessed by their presence.