solar cycle
Winter Solstice
On the shortest day, the longest night,
Sol stands still
and Earth pauses
before beginning the re-turn to the light,
before leading us into a new solar year.
At this time
I too be still,
rest in the cocoon of my own Self.
In this space
do I have self-shadows emerging to be re-membered as light?
are there endings to be honoured to create space for new beginnings?
what heart seeds am I sowing to grow in my own new soul-ar cycle?
can I celebrate my darkness before my new light dawns?
Spring Equinox
Day-light and night-shadow balanced
as Sol reaches the turning point.
Light will over-take the dark again,
warming and lengthening the days,
and Earth is birthing, budding and blossoming again.
At this time
as I witness new growth, new life
emerging everywhere around me,
I also feel the pulse of new
emerging from within my own Self.
In this space
are there new beginnings to be embraced and embodied?
what heart seeds are sprouting for my own new growth?
what of the old within my Self and my life is to be spring-cleaned?
can I celebrate my own increasing illumination?
Summer Solstice
On the longest day, the shortest night,
Sol peaks
and Earth is fully bathed
in the light of all life,
energising, empowering, exhilarating.
At this time
I bathe in the light of my Self,
and I re-member
I AM light,
as bright as the light of a thousand suns.
In this space
can I connect with the energy of the sun to light my own inner fire?
how am I being en-lightened at this time?
how do I honour the Divine Light that I am?
what can I do, how can I be, to shine brighter in the world?
Autumn Equinox
Night-shadow and day-light balanced
as Sol reaches another turning point.
Earth begins the descent into the darker months,
nature quiets, slows down, sheds,
preparing for a type of death and long rest.
At this time
as the leaves die off and fall,
I too release the dying parts of my own Self.
I surrender.
I let go.
In this space
how can I be quieter and slower in my own life?
what is weighing me down and needing to be shed?
what can I let go of to allow more new growth?
can I sink into the dark voids of my own Self?
art & words by me, Katrina